FRAMED 2021: limited edition art+music analog compilation

8 Musical Performances & 8 Art Prints
Ultra deluxe vinyl press and print by Nordso Records (Denmark)


Framed 2021 is a collaboration between Framed e.V and Guy Sternberg of LowSwing Records. It was born out of our wish to capture and share some of the magic that happens at Framed events, which always feature a live concert and a solo art exhibition, in the most authentic way we can.

Every track on this vinyl was performed live at Framed and recorded directly to a ¼” master tape, no mixing or editing, no computer in sight. All performances took place during our 2020/21 winter-spring season.

We were privileged to have the chance to exhibit this line-up of visual artists, and to have the opportunity to see their work in relation to different musical performances. This gave us and our audience the opportunity to appreciate how image and sound come together to create new sceneries, new mental zones and landscapes. We are very happy to include with this limited issue a selection of prints by the artists.

We want to give deep gratitude to everyone who took part in Framed events in 2020/21, a time which was especially challenging to our community, of whom this compilation showcases a small taste.


Side A
Stimulus – Moran Sanderovich – Framed 37
Omer Klein – Noga Shtainer – Framed 30
Alon Lotringer – Shanee Roe – Framed 54
Golnar Shahyar – Boyan – Framed 33

Side B
Kaveh Sarvarian – Daniel M Thurau – Framed 52
Lionel Loueke – Merav Maroody – Framed 48
Alexej Gerassimez – Katharina Arndt – Framed 47
Alma Sade – Emeli Theander – Framed 51

The Artists

Moran Sanderovich
Omer Klein
Noga Shtainer
Alon Lotringer
Shanee Roe
Golnar Shahyar
Kaveh sarvarian
Daniel M Thurau
Lionel Loueke
Merav Maroody
Alexej Gerassimez
Katharina Arndt
Alma Sade
Emeli Theander


Artistic director – Yael Nachshon Levin
Music curator – Haggai Cohen Milo
Art curator – Ofir Dor

In collaboration with LowSwing Records.
Recorded directly to a stereo master tape

Tracks nr. 2,4,5,6,7,8 recorded by Guy Sternberg
Tracks nr. 1, 3  recorded by Benedikt Vogt

Mastered to Analogue tape by Guy Sternberg at Emil Berliner studio
Lacquer cut by Sidney Meyer at Emil Berliner studio

Graphic Design – Evian Saggi
Cover Photo by – Svea Ena Rose
Inner Photo by – Paula König


Special thanks to Jan Fischer for his generous and continued support in FRAMED e.V

Join us on November 24th, 2022 for our Framed 2022 LP release party! TICKETS HERE

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